Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Another Project Complete

I was very happy to cross off another project on my list. I bought this kid's size solid wood bench at a neighborhood garage sale for $5 with the vision of painting it to coordinate with our house decor.

Well, 3 months and 2 cans of spray paint later:

This bench is great for Bella. We keep her shoes under the lid that opens and the bench is just across from the coat closet and next to the garage door. She likes to get her own shoes out and sit on the bench to put her shoes on or take them off and put them away. I have to admit that I was planning on being the one to paint it, but after the medicine cabinet, I decided it would be much better if David did it and I'm so glad he did! It turned out great, thanks honey!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks awesome!!!!