Saturday, October 25, 2008

How did you wake up this morning?

I've mentioned before that Bella has really began to express her feelings to us. Well this morning Bella woke me up with a kiss on my forehead at 7am (she came into bed with us around 5am, she's teething). Then as we were headed towards the stairs to go make pancakes she said, "I feel bumpy". Translation: "I feel grumpy". I know I don't always wake up in a cheerful mood and Bella doesn't always either, especially today with cutting 2 molers and a runny nose:( At least she was able to warn me!


Stefany Gess said...

that is priceless. I wish we had an instant recorder that would turn on automatically for moments like these.

Unknown said...

She is so sweet!

The Campbell Newlyweds said...

That is so cute!