Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I've been tagged by Michelle to list 7 random things about myself:

1.) I am the youngest of 6 girls in my family, my oldest sister is 18 years older than me.

2.) I applied to medical school after graduating from college with a biology degree and I didn't get in, but God had a better plan for me. After my grieving was over, I got a science-related sales job and met my wonderful husband, David.

3.) When I drive on the longer stretches of highway here in Colorado I listen to country music. It just seems so fitting when I'm driving by the farms, horses, and cows, and every other radio station here is a country station, but that's the only time I listen to it. This is the first time I've admitted this:)

4.) I love coffee, anything coffee flavored, but I really really DISLIKE chocolate.

5.) My best friend, Lisa, and I have been best friends since we were 5 years old, that's now 26 years of solid friendship.

6.) My first job in high school when I was 16 years old was selling fish tacos at the first Rubio's in Orange County. I worked with my friend, Shelly, and we had a lot of fun and crazy times there!

7.) I got a tattoo of a sun on my shoulder when I was young and naive and went through the painful (and expensive) process to have it removed before our wedding so it wouldn't show when I wore my strapless wedding gown.

Now I am tagging Stefany, Heather, Anna, Vanessa, and Cindy.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! I think you are the first woman I have even known to not like chocolate! I think I would die w/o it :)

Ana said...

Ok I'll try to do this as soon as I get a chance! Liked reading all those interesting tid bits!Country music huh?