Wednesday, July 09, 2008

House Project. . . One of the many

We have a powder room or half bath on the main level of our house. The sink is a pedestal sink, so there aren't any cabinets for extra rolls of toilet paper, cleaning products, etc. So, I was on the search for a wall cabinet to hang over the toilet since the space is a little tight in that bathroom already, I didn't want to use up any more of the floor space with a stand-alone cabinet. Well, those things are expensive! The white ones I found to match at Home Dep*t are $100. I resorted to my good friend, Craigslist, and found a solid oak medicine cabinet in excellent shape for only $20. I met the seller in the parking lot of a shopping mall 20 minutes from here, which saved me 40 minutes of driving (she lives an hour away). Here are the pics:

Before the sanding, painting, re-sanding and more painting:

The finished product:

Up next. . . Project Bench.

1 comment:

David said...

Wow, looks like that sanding really paid off!