Friday, July 18, 2008

Baby Belly

I've mentioned in the past some of the things Bella says and ideas she comes up with. Well, the other night her idea took the cake. David was helping her with her post-bath routine of putting on lotion, getting dressed, hair combed, etc. While I'm busy in the other room I hear this conversation between the two of them:

Bella: "I have a baby in my belly"
David: "You do??"
Bella: "Yes"
David: "Do you want to pretend there's a baby in your belly?"
Bella: "Yes, I want a baby in my belly!"
David: "OK, here you go" (I hear some rustling sounds) "Go show mommy"
Bella: "Mommy, I have a baby in my belly. She's crying." (as she shows me the little bump of tissue under her shirt)
Me: "Wow, Bella!!" (while cracking up with laughter) "Is it too early to pretend this?"

Why all of this transpired? Last week while in CA we went to the beach and met up with our dear friends, Kathy and Connor. Kathy is 5 months pregnant and I showed Bella her baby bump and explained that there is a baby in Kathy's tummy. Well, I should have known that with Bella's mind she would not forget that discussion a week later. When the time comes for us to have our next baby, Lord willing, Bella will be all set with understanding where the baby is.


Anonymous said...

That is cute. It was nice seeing you guys in Cali. I'm almost 6 1/2 mos along now and I'm ready to be done being pregnant, not that I'm rushing for the baby to get here, but I am looking forward to not being pregnant anymore. Hope all is well. Take care.

Unknown said...

That is so cute. It was nice seeing you guys in Cali. I'm almost 6 1/2 mos along now and I think I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore, I'm not rushing of the baby to get here, but I know is just gets very uncomfortable from here on out. I hope all is well. Take care.