Friday, July 18, 2008

Date Night

It had been a long time, at least a few months, since David and I had been on a date, with our move, David's travel schedule, another move, we've just been so busy. So, we got a babysitter tonight and went out on a long overdue date. We went to a restaurant called J. Alexander's. It was sooo good and it was a total copy of one of my favorite California restaurants, Houston's. The ambiance, menu, service, etc. was all so similar to Houston's. So I ordered one of my favorite restaurant dishes, a seared ahi tuna asian salad along with a glass of white wine. David had prime rib that was also delicious. Then we did a little shopping and stopped for coffee at a local coffee shop on the way home. It was really great to go out by ourselves and focus on each other and enjoy a meal without any interruptions. Our next date is to see James Taylor in concert for our 4 year wedding anniversary and we're both looking forward to that. It definitely is an important priority to set aside time to focus on our marriage even though that's sometimes hard to do with children, work, etc.

1 comment:

Stefany Gess said...

Yeah for date night. what a cute story too. Yes I am back in town and we would love to get together.