Thursday, August 14, 2008

More of the Things She Says

Remember a while back when I posted this? Well, Isabella is saying so many more things now days that I can't keep track of them all, but here are a few of the things that put a smile on my face every time:

"It smells/tastes delicious" - this one makes me feel especially great when she's referring to my cooking. She also thrilled the ladies at Costco the other day when we sampled some yummy lemon cake and she told the ladies, "This tastes delicious". They insisted that we eat more cake samples after that!

"No thanks, I'm full" - if I offer her something to eat/drink, which is often since we're trying to put some weight on her.

"No thanks, mommy" - Said while crying, upset, or during a tantrum. She is the most polite 2 yr. old during a tantrum!

"I'm happy now" - Said after she has calmed down after being upset, crying, or at the end of a tantrum, then she jumps right back into the swing of things.

"Yes please" - She is so polite, there is rarely a time that she does not say please when she's requesting something.

"That's nothing" - Said when I was helping her look for her doll's shirt in the wrong spot.

"Yes, I am" - She says this in the right context most of the time, but she also says it in place of "yes, I do" often times (we're working on this one).

"I have a idea" - She pronounces it more like, "Dee-a". She comes up with ideas all day long that amaze me!

"I'm Miss Patty" - Said when she's pretending to do story time for her dolls. Miss Patty is one of the story time readers at the library.

"I miss you", "I love you" - Said to David, myself, her dolls, and blankies. Too sweet!

"Purple Baby missed me, mommy" - Said today when she found her favorite baby, Purple Baby (named for the color outfit she's wearing).


Anonymous said...

Too cute! I loved it when my girls first started talking :)

Stefany Gess said...

What a smart little beauty. Treasured memories for sure. You will have to tell me about the concert series I don't think I know about that.