Monday, August 04, 2008

Project: Dining Room

My favorite colors are green and red and a few nights ago I told David I would love to paint our dining room a lime green color like I saw in Pottery Barn's website. David, being the wonderful husband that he is, said he'd be willing to paint the room as soon as I'd like. We decided to paint it before our furniture was delivered, which meant we'd have a late night project since we'd do the painting after Bella was in bed. Masking off the baseboards, ceiling, and electrical outlets was the longest part of the job. David did most of the painting and I must say he did a great job!

Bella really wanted to use her tools on the ladder the morning after we painted!


Anonymous said...

oh wow, what a great green! Good job. The furniture is gorgeous. Also, I think the table is exactly like the one we just got! Great minds think alike:)

Stefany Gess said...

what a beautiful dining room. I love thte color, and you do a great job with toes. I am next. j/k.

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness. You have the best taste ever. I just love your table:)

BusyBee said...

Thanks for all of your kind compliments! It sure feels great to finally have our house furnished with only 1 empty room that will hopefully become a nursery at some point!