Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Things She Says

Every day Isabella amazes us with her ever growing vocabulary and speech capabilities. Here are just a couple of things she's said lately that have made me stop and think about how bright our sweet Bella is especially for a 2-year old.

1) "Excuse me, sorry" - said while stepping over my stretched out legs to go get another book for me to read to her.

2) "Mommy, I got ready self" - said after she got her shoes on, doll stroller packed up with 3 purses and 2 dolls to go for an after-dinner walk. self = by myself

3) "Daddy is in California" - said as we were walking into Chipotle to eat dinner tonight. She actually pronounced California as Cal-forna. I told her yesterday that daddy is in California after she was asking for him. She doesn't forget a thing and I think she thought of it just then because most nights she'll tell daddy when dinner is ready.

4) "Mommy, I go sleepies" - That's right, lately she's been telling me when she wants to take a nap especially with all of our playing outside. sleepies = night night

5) "Mine, mine, no share, share" - said while playing with Little People figures in the bathtub. She was pretending that one doll was trying to play with the ball and the other doll didn't want to share. She was telling the dolls to share. This one really made me feel good because we've been working on sharing and to see her set up a pretend situation like this blew my mind!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Checking out the blog... thanks again for this morning.
See you soon,