Monday, June 23, 2008

Compassion of a child

Tonight after we read books we said our night time prayers. After we said amen, I started singing to Bella and she stopped me by saying, "pray", while folding her hands. Of course, I never want to tell her we already prayed, we always need more prayer, so I asked her to pray. So she said "papa and grandma". It was then that I realized that I had forgotten to mention them in our prior prayer, but of course she didn't forget. That's our sweet, compassionate Bella.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This story is just so touching. The other night Craig was telling Brooke it was time to go to bed. She was not wanting too:) Finally she said,"Daddy we forgot to pray." It's so good to be reminded by our children of the important things we instill in our children. It's working:)