Saturday, September 06, 2008

Who made you?

We've been telling Isabella more about God now that she understands and talks so much. We're beginning to teach Bella some questions and answers about Christianity from a children's catechism. One of the first questions that we've gone over with her is "Who made you? and the answer is "God made me". So, the other day she was upset about something and told me, "mommy, I am really sad". I asked her, "what made you sad?" She said, "God made me sad". At that moment as I was trying not to laugh, I was so proud to hear my sweet little 2 year old daughter is learning the catechism. I said, "Yes, God did make you, but he doesn't want you to be sad". She then said, "God made me happy." So when you ask her a question that begins that way she only think s of one answer, "God made me". "

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where have you been???