Friday, September 26, 2008

A Couple Things You Don't Hear From a 2 Year Old All That Often:

" Let's clean up now" - Isabella said this to David when they were having a tea party in her room.

"More chicken please" - It's been a struggle getting Bella to eat various kinds of meat, but last night the baked chicken tenders I made were a hit!

"Oh, thank you mommy for making me breakfast. Yummy, yummy." - Said just this morning when I called her to the kitchen for breakfast.

"You're the best helping mommy!" - Bella told me this when we were making a birthday cake for Strawberry Shortcake in her play kitchen yesterday afternoon. Yes, I had tears in my eyes. Of course I strive to be the best mommy, but I definitely fall short of that in my eyes.

"You're the best daddy!" - She has told David this a few times now, usually when he's helping her do her 50-piece puzzle or just cuddling her.

"You're the best daddy and you're the best mommy!" - Last night she told us this when the 3 of us were sitting around her little table eating yogurt parfaits. She's the sweetest!

"I'm embarrassed" or "I'm really sad" or "I'm happy" or "I'm really excited" - She says these things all the time, I love how she expresses her feelings. We're working on saying, "I'm frustrated" when she gets frustrated (there was a little biting incident earlier this week, but we'll save that story for another post).

Just a little bit more about our sweet girl, Bella. . . She is such a compassionate, understanding, forgiving, lovable, eager to learn, adventurous, fun-loving, smart, kind, graceful, and beautiful little girl! We're so thankful that the Lord entrusted us with her.

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