Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Summertime Fun

It's finally cooling down here a bit after 2 weeks of 90+ degree temperatures. We had rain, hail, thunder and lightening this afternoon which cut Bella's nap short, but we welcome the rain for the sake our grass and free watering (water here is VERY expensive)!

Here's a few of the things I love about summer:

1) Lounging in the sun and taking a dip in the pool with our sweet Bella:2) Eating dinner outside:3) Eating corn on the cob, outside:4) Going on walks and playing outside after dinner when it's still light out:


Unknown said...

Look how cute you look. Bella looks like is is adjusting well to CO. I also love the weather that time if the year. Thunderstorms are the best:)

Stefany Gess said...

I love all those things too. Summer is going by too fast even with the long heat stretch, I still love it.