Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A Few of My Favorite Things About Christmas/Winter

in random order:
* Flannel sheets
*Flannel pajamas
*Hot water that stays hot in my insulated carafe all day long
*Hot tea any time of the day
*Hot coffee in the morning
* Hot chocolate (with just a tiny dash of chocolate for me since I don't like chocolate) after playing outside in the snow
*Playing in the snow with Bella and David
*Pulling Bella on her sled in the snow
*Christmas decor and lights
*Christmas music
*Christmas movies
*Homemade soup, any kind
*Bella in her fleece footed sleeper, Sooo snugly
*Cuddling up with my honey on the couch under a blanket and watching t.v.
*Bella in her long underwear that she wears under her snowsuit (we called them Long Johns and Bella asked who John was and if he was coming to our house:)
*Watching the snow fall
*Crisp fresh snow all across our yard with nothing but a few rabbit footprints scattered across it
*Wrapping presents
*Looking forward to Bella's reaction when she gets the one gift she's been asking for for a long time
*Baking cookies and sweet breads
*Feeling the warmth of our cozy home when it's in the single digits outside
*Warm, sheepskin boots
*My new scarf
*Layers of clothes
*Hearing Bella recite the names of Santa's reindeer
*Listening to Bella when she tells us she does not want Santa to come to our house when we started singing, "Santa Claus is Coming To Town"
*Telling Bella that Santa is just a character like Frosty the Snowman and that he will not come to our house, but you will get presents
*The fact that Bella loves to read books about Santa, sing songs, but does not want anything to do with him
*Seeing Bella with her reindeer antler headband on
*Making Christmas crafts with Bella (although I'm running out of craft ideas)
*Waking up in the morning to 8 inches of snow
*Not having to drive in the snow/icy roads
*Teaching Bella how to make and throw snowballs
*Building snowmen with Bella
*Going Christmas shopping with Bella to get Daddy something, then when we get home she tells him what we got him
* Pot Roast cooking in the crockpot all day
* Hearing Bella tell people, "Merry Christmas"
* Bella seeing something she wants at Target or WalMart and saying, "Let's put it on my Christmas list"
* Our Christmas Tree scented candle (we have an artificial tree)
* Being with our little family
*Getting this beautiful shot of Bella during our 5-minute photo shoot in the snow:

Hope you're all enjoying this Christmas Season!


Nikki said...

Love the list! And... I love to hear the contentedness and thankfulness in your written "voice", even with all the hard stuff that's been going on. You rock, sister. (although, I have to add, you're nuts for not liking chocolate) :)

Unknown said...

I am so glad your loving winter! Bella is absoulty beautiful in that picture! Miss you:)