This is how I was awoken just the other morning:
Heard over the baby monitor: "Mommy!" "Good Morning Mommy!" "It's a bright, sunny day!"
I woke up with a smile on my face and went to hug my bundle of joy!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Good Cheer!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Crackin' Me Up!
Tonight while Bella and I were dining on Del Taco's finest chicken tacos, in walked a group of some rather clean-cut punk rock type teenagers. Bella, being the observer she always is, checks them out, watches their every move while sipping on her milk. Then she leans over to me and in a hushed voice says, "Mommy, those boys look like Doodlebops." If I hadn't have put my napkin up to my mouth, my bite of taco would have flown out onto the tabletop. I was also trying not to choke as I laughed. Bella was so serious about her observation, yet she knew she was making me laugh, so then she says, "Mommy, I'm cracking you up". Then the boys made eye contact with Bella and she waved her parade wave, said "Hello", and they waved back and smiled, seemingly impressed with Bella's outgoing personality and overall cuteness. Yes, Bella, you crack me up!
Here's a picture of the Doodlebops: I think Bella was referring to the different fashion of dress (funky hat, hair-dos, piercings, etc.) that these boys were styling in because none of them had blue or purple hair, they just looked silly:)
Thursday, November 06, 2008
The Things We Do
There are soooo many things that I would do for Isabella, including dressing up for a tea party!

put to use for several tea parties and perhaps a birthday party or two!
And I'm not the only one who plays princess with Bella . . .

Scrub A Dub Dub
My camera happened to be nearby upstairs when Bella was taking a bath tonight, so I got a couple of cute shots. Isabella loves bath time and would stay in there all night if I let her:)
Monday, November 03, 2008
Bella had a lot of fun on halloween. I am not into the scary, demonic aspect of halloween, but I am all for the fun part of dressing up and going trick-or-treating. Isabella really enjoyed dressing up as a kangaroo and saying, "trick-or-treat". We started off in the late afternoon at Trick-or-Treat Street downtown where each store handed out treats to the kiddos. Bella really got into and even hopped up to the people giving out the candy, it was hilarious. So many people commented on how adorable she was in her costume. Isabella also loved seeing the other kids in costume out on the street. After a quick dinner, I took her around our neighborhood. I had originally planned to just go to a couple houses, but after every house Bella asked in her polite, sweet voice, "One more house, please mommy". So we stayed out a little longer, there were so many kids out in our neighborhood. When we got home, Bella loved running to answer the door and seeing the other kids' costumes and even gave her own commentary that went something like this: "She's cute" or "He's scary looking" or "That's a funny costume" or "I'm a princess too" (she had put on her princess dress at this point). It was a fun night! And without further ado, here's The Cutest Kangaroo Ever!!

let me put make-up on her. It was fun, though:)