Since I've done some heavy summer cleaning, I've recently begun selling random things on ebay. It was so easy to get started and now there's no stopping. I have my system down now starting with taking digital photos of each item, putting the items up for auction, then printing the shipping label with the postage on it and dropping the packages off at the Post Office or FedEx. I started by selling some Madame Alexander Dolls that have been sitting in their original boxes and unplayed with for the last 16 or so years. I've also sold a 3-year old digital camera, some name-brand jeans, and some old Disney memorabilia. There are billions of people out there willing to buy just about anything. Now, it's like I'm looking for things to sell around the house that we don't truly need. It's not only the thrill of seeing the money come into my Paypal account, but also the satisfaction of getting rid of stuff that I know I'm not going to use. Like the saying goes: One person's trash is another's treasure!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Hunan Hand
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Birds, Birds, and More Birds
On a recent trip to New England, I bought a bird feeder that I'd been wanting for our backyard. The first day I filled it and carefully hung it with some wire from the tree outside our living room window. Then I waited and waited and didn't see one bird visit it until 4 days later. One House Sparrow came and nibbled for a few seconds and flew off. Another one came, then another and another and before I knew it there were four birds on the feeder at once and four more lined up on the fence for their turn on a perch. I have House Sparrows and House Finches visiting the feeder now and these birds can sure eat!! I have to refill the feeder two times a week, but it is so worth it as I enjoy watching my birds while sipping my morning coffee. I even feel protective of my birds. Twice I've ran out to the backyard in my robe to shoo away the neighbor's cat off the fence! I love birds!