Thursday, May 26, 2005

Small Steps, Great Joys

As some of you know, I work in Special Education providing Applied behavioral Analysis Therapy for children with autism. During the last six months I have learned so much about the autism spectrum and have gained a new perspective of the condition. I have also seen my little kiddos grow and learn too. Whether we are working on their letters, numbers or social interaction, each step is of great joy. I had been working for a few months with one of my little girls on playing Hopscotch. Well, just yesterday she hopped from square to square on her own!! I felt like a proud mother as I cheered her on and gave her the much deserved positive reinforcement:)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Taco Tuesday

Now that I'm a wife and one of my duties is to cook, I've enjoyed trying out new recipes and varying the menus. One of my favorite nights is Tuesday, which has been deemed Taco Tuesday at our house. It's not always tacos, sometimes I make Taco Salad, Burritos, Fajitas or Tostadas just to mix things up. We always make a point of inviting at least one other person to join us for Taco Tuesday whether it's at our home or at a local taco place such as Catalina Fish Kitchen (They have Yummy Fish Tacos). This way we can make a point of connecting with our close friends and friends that we don't see very often. We're now considering starting "Wasabi Wednesday". I just need to practice the art of rolling sushi:)

Monday, May 23, 2005

First Time Blogger

I must admit I was feeling left out of the Blogger world until now. It took me about 3 minutes to create my Blog and now I'm posting! I promise not to turn this into a diary of my daily activities. Although, tonight we went bowling and I'm proud to say that I got one strike even though my overall score was 62.